Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Evening Concerts

Well, what did you think?


Anonymous said...

The guy working for rice is hilarious! You should pay him more.

Jacob Broadway said...

I loved how after Vicki Beeching's set the Spirit of God was so sweet and intense. However I was utterly disappointed and bothered how that moment was treated immediately afterwards. I understand that there needs to be a transition but there was no regard or respect to God. How can we go from a Holy moment directly into silly jokes and saying words like "poop". Please don't take this "religiously" but there is a context for silliness and our whole team's spirits were bothered by the lack of respect.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some cool video (or just darken the house lights and play some tracks?) in between bands to eliminate the need for "fill" between sets? I wasn't bothered by the segues necessarily, but that might be one way to creatively transition...

Anonymous said...

I thought the transitions were funny. I didn't think it was silly at all. Probably the only reason it is being discussed is because no one famous said it. Had Rick made a comment like that, nothing would be said about it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe next year you guys could get somebody who could actually play the guitar! HA! Lincoln was amazing! Not only playing the guitar but leading worship! He's one of the best, especially live! Richard

Anonymous said...

Hey the transition didn't bother me either, but I think it is an important point to keep in mind.

What I really want to say though is this. Worship was very sweet for me. I thought that Vicky Beeching's spirit of worship and turning all the attention to God was very authentic and moving for me. I was able to close my eyes and enter into worship in a way that I sometimes can't because of the details. It was a very sweet time for me. Then Lincoln rocked. Awesome. Again, I was able to enter into worship. I also felt a great freedom to lift my hands, move and kneel. I have had to learn to do these things as it is not my upbringing. But it felt very natural, very Spirit led, and very freeing for me. Thanks.

bobby said...

Oops...I posted this in the worship sets, but it might be better here:

So I think Lincoln Brewster is a stud. Loved him. However I had a friend who thought he did too many guitar solos and it was just distracting for him. Did anyone else feel this way? What did you think?

Anonymous said...

I think the brewster definently did one to many tastey guitar licks. I was having a an awesome time being led during Surrender, but as soon as he played his scales again, I was distracted and disconnected from what God was doing in me at the time. I would like to ask Lincoln to perhaps explain his methodology to some of us that aren't caught up to the same page. I think the things he said we're encouraging and challenging, but I got lost in all the solos.

TheGaffords said...

What I learned from multiple musicians at the conference all day today was that many of them express themselves through their instrument rather than their voice, and also directly offer their worship to God through their playing. Abe and the band referenced it this afternoon, Lincoln talked about it tonight, and I know that many times when i'm playing even alone at home in worship I find myself playing everything that I can in praise to God. To me, that's no different than any of those guys playing today in any of the sessions.

We always say that God is the true audience of worship, so if someone's going to praise through straight Rap and it doesn't suit me, big deal. It's for God, and not me. I'm going to just sit back and enjoy being a part of the praise.

Unknown said...

so, like, is this a blogspot or a complain spot? I think there should be a constructive criticism section, and leave the rest of the "issues" to be brought up at all the meetings I have to go back to when I get home.

Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla.

the end

Joe Chaffin, MD said...

Rick Muchow said it best: Tommy Walker is the worship leader's worship leader! I have never experienced anything like the combination of powerful praise, complete connection with a worship leader, and lack of distractions as in Tommy's set on Tuesday night (except when I I have heard Tommy before!). I think every worship leader could learn so much from him.

bobby said...

Well John,

I guess I thought a blog was for honest discussion. It does say "What did you think of our worship times together?" Not "Please tell us only how wonderful everything was."

I appreciate hearing differing opinions from people. Things that worked great for some and not so well for others. And it opens the doors for some honest talk about worship practicalities.

Anonymous said...

I've absolutely loved the evening concerts... thanks for bringing together an awesome set of musicians. Favorites were definitely Lincoln Brewster and J. Butler. And Vicky. The only group I was slightly disappointed in was Human Zero... didn't feel led to worship at all, although that might just be me.

Incidentally, I fully agree with the previous post... this page is clearly meant both for positive and "constructively negative" comments.

Bkwestman said...

The closing night tonight was absolutely wonderful!!! Every year that Ive come for the conference (all 6 years!!) I look forward to the night when Saddleback has their musicians lead. It has consistently been one of the best nights of the conference. This year was no exception. I loved the variety of styles, and what a great crew of soloists to choose from. The choir was awesome! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hey I really liked Human Zero. Not every band has to be a "worship" band. They were a great young rock band with a Christian message. I bought their CD and gave it to my 18 year old daughter and have been listening to it on my iPod.

Anonymous said...

Any chance there would be podcasts or CD's available for the concert with Tommy Walker? I was in the choir and I would like for my wife and daughter to hear how special of a time of worship that was. My words don't seem adequate trying to explain it to them. All of the concerts were awesome as a whole. My only thought that could possibly be taken negatively would be that some of the new acts (debuts) could be better served in the outside venues. Just a thought. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU to each one of you that participated in the closing night presentation! Praise GOD for that awesome worship time! I am overwhelmingly blessed by each artist you brought, truly. But from the bottom of my heart; that time together Thursday night with Saddleback musicians and the communion service, and ending with only the sound of God's children singing His praises ... it's a moving memory that will get me through until next year's Saddleback Worship Leader Conference! Tremendous! THANK YOU SADDLEBACK!!

Maila said...

Loved the short jazz gig on Tuesday night but it was way too short.

praisechik said...

I loved the concerts!!! Jonathon Butler blew me away! I had tears in my eyes just from the shear beauty of his God given voice. I had never heard him in person. And, how wonderful of God to bless us as we all went into "worship mode" during the Vicky and Lincoln concerts. I read a few blogs re; Lincoln's solos and the "after talk" after Vicky. So here's my 2 cents: Anyone who is a true musician knows, that, sometimes, the deepest place for the musician is in his expression to God, and often, that expression comes through the instrument. And as for the "poop" comments after Vicky,I realize that for some, it might have been hard to take. For me, it's no worse than having spent and hour in my prayer closet in deep, deep praise and worship, only to have my 3 year old asking me to wipe her rear-end as soon as I walk out of my room. Just keepin' it real.
Only suggestion for the last night, could have cut out a few solos. Not that they weren't beautiful, but it was a bit much. Especially loved, Hosanna, and some of the more up tempo songs. Really loved the use of the drama team! A great way to end the week!!
thanks for a great blessed week!
Sheila C